INOVU Sustainable Furniture
Sustainability isn’t new; we all have a natural sense to preserve our environment and make the most of our resources, however, the complexities of modern life and drive for greater consumption has taken many of us down a path where we have lost sight of our relationship with sustainability. We are in the process of rethinking that relationship and revisiting our natural sense to preserve what is good and make the most of what we have.
As consumers I believe we will pay greater care and attention to our future purchases, moving towards products that offer a longer-term reward with greater consideration to the environment they sit within. The market for well-designed furniture that stands the test of time will grow in popularity and the focus for many will shift from purchase price to value for money and doing the right thing.
DOY Design is developing a range of furniture for INOVU with a focus on beautiful looking products that embrace a sustainable philosophy. Working in collaboration with Modern Motion Furniture and the Shultz Seating Group we aim to design sustainability in at an early stage and develop new manufacturing strategies to consider the full lifecycle of the seat.